THE 19TH HOLE: I stumbled upon these guys by accident, but they are one of the earliest and most StreetGolf crews out of Paris since 2005. It was started by Sandrine, Sköyp, Bastien, Kevin and Pierrick
What I really like about them is that they have events and they have a very cool art direction. Their website is simple, slick and informative. Check out their mission below as well as their history of streetGolf. It’s pretty good. Bravo (19th hole)
THEIR TRANSLATED BIO: (Pardon my google translation) The 19èmeTrou (19th Hole) is a collective of Parisian streetgolfeurs played since 2005 in the streets of the French capital and throughout Europe.
Originally the association was created by a group of friends, Sandrine, Sköyp, Bastien, Kevin and Pierrick. Today the team consists of six active members, Sköyp Paulo, Hobz, Matthew, Ben and Caro.
The objective is to develop the collective practice of offgolf (streetgolf – crossgolf – officegolf) and distribute to as many people of all ages and from different backgrounds, through its events and meetings in Paris.
Since 2005, The 19th Hole Travel and goes to meet teams of French and European urbangolf to create a perpetual exchange and disseminate news streetgolf.
The group also acts in the arts and culture by learning about the universe that revolves around the team since 2005 (expo, street-art).
Awards | Competitions Streetgolf
2010/04 | Morlaix second
2009/11 | The Gulf War II | 1st
2009/06 | East Coast Streetgolf Contest | 3rd
2008/10 | The Gulf War I | 1st
2006/10 | Rennes Open Pro Tour Master Classic Series Challenge | 1st
Here is their history of Street and UrbanGolf.
STREETGOLF: Where you want, whenever you want
The streetgolf or urbangolf appears in Germany in the 90s. The movement is spreading in Britain five years later. In the early 2000s, the streetgolf emerged in the French media. The practice landing (really) in 2004 with a few players who now form the precursors Team The 19th Hole.
The streetgolf then develops in the rest of Europe (Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Portugal for example) is also found that discipline in the United States.
The OffGolf golf is an alternative called “traditional” of moving off the golf practice courses and 18 holes. It is appropriate a place in transforming the original into a playground. Streets, yards, banks of the Seine, railways, beach, ski, mountain, offices, Wherever you want! Whenever you want! This is the precept of the team The 19th Hole.
The streetgolf is a cons-culture movement, which is developing in urban areas, like skateboarding. The streetgolf is a way to democratize the golf course and open to a wider target. But not only. The streetgolf is a spirit of freedom that is appropriate to an activity that seems unattainable (cost of registration, access to land, etc.). With the City and otherwise ..
In short, hit the ball where you want, whenever you want.
The streetgolf addresses a wide panel of players, both amateurs and experts of traditional golf, as well as novices in the discipline. Many players are also curious new urban practices, such as graffiti or riders.
Thank you for your article.
We are making the traduction of our website.
I’m happy to found the almost night golf balls now.
We make our own night balls too with an Almost and glow stick inside…
Do you produce? Where to by? Ca n we imagine a partnership?
All the best for off-golf!
Hey… Things look a little screwy with the with the layout of the page. For some reason the text block is getting mixed with the edge. I don’t know if it’s just me or have you heard this from other ppl? Just wanted to let you know in case you’ve been making changes. Thanks! Myung Moscoffian
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